CAN you handle -160°?

  • Reduce Muscle Soreness & Inflammation

    Cryotherapy can help athletes and individuals manage muscle soreness by decreasing inflammation and promoting faster recovery. The cold exposure constricts blood vessels, reducing swelling and flushing out toxins, which can alleviate soreness post-exercise.

  • Uplift Mood & Mental Well-being

    Exposure to cold temperatures in a cryotherapy session triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators. Many users report feelings of euphoria and increased energy after a session, which can be beneficial for managing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • Improve Recovery & Joint Function

    The cold temperatures can temporarily numb nerve endings, providing immediate relief from chronic pain conditions like arthritis. Additionally, the treatment may stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, further aiding in joint function and reducing pain.

  • Boost Metabolism

    The body works harder to maintain its core temperature during and after a session, which can lead to an increase in metabolic rate. While the effects are temporary, repeated sessions may support weight loss efforts by burning additional calories over time.

  • Improve Immune Function

    Regular sessions have been shown to boost the body's production of white blood cells and increase antioxidant levels, which play a crucial role in strengthening the immune system. This can lead to a reduced risk of infections and illnesses, as well as faster recovery from common colds and flu.

  • Improve Skin Appearance

    Whole-body cryotherapy can stimulate collagen production and increase blood flow to the skin, resulting in improved skin elasticity, reduced signs of aging, and a more radiant complexion. The cold exposure may also help in treating certain skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

What Is Cryotherapy?

Whole-body cryotherapy involves exposing the entire body to ultra-low temperatures for a short period, usually two to three minutes. This cold exposure is believed to stimulate various physiological responses, including reduced inflammation, accelerated muscle recovery, and the release of endorphins, leading to pain relief and improved mood. Whole-body cryotherapy provides benefits to athletes, individuals seeking pain management, and those looking to enhance overall well-being.

Cryotherapy FAQs

  • All-electric whole-body cryotherapy involves exposure to cold temperatures in a controlled environment using electric-powered equipment, such as a cryotherapy chamber. Unlike traditional cryotherapy methods that may use liquid nitrogen or other substances, all-electric systems rely solely on electricity to generate cold air for cooling. This method offers precise temperature control, consistent cooling, and may be considered more environmentally friendly and safe than traditional approaches.

  • All-electric whole-body cryotherapy is generally considered safe for most individuals when performed by trained professionals and following appropriate guidelines. However, there are certain contraindications and potential side effects to be aware of, including risk of frostbite, skin irritation, fluctuations in blood pressure, and exacerbation of certain medical conditions. It is essential to consult with a healthcare provider before undergoing cryotherapy, especially for individuals with underlying health conditions or concerns.

  • The potential benefits of all-electric whole-body cryotherapy may include reduced muscle soreness and inflammation, improved recovery after exercise or injury, enhanced circulation, pain relief, and potential support for certain skin conditions. It is commonly used by athletes, individuals seeking post-operative recovery, those with chronic pain or inflammation, and for general wellness and rejuvenation purposes.

  • During a session of all-electric whole-body cryotherapy, an individual enters a cryotherapy chamber or cabin where temperatures are lowered to sub-zero levels for a short duration, typically 2-3 minutes. Protective clothing, such as gloves and socks, is worn to minimize exposure to extreme cold. During the treatment, one can expect sensations of intense cold, but many people find the experience invigorating and report feeling refreshed and energized afterward. Immediate post-treatment effects may include skin redness, numbness, or tingling, which usually subside quickly.

  • The frequency of all-electric whole-body cryotherapy sessions can vary depending on individual needs, goals, and the specific condition being treated. Some people may benefit from multiple sessions per week initially, followed by maintenance sessions as needed. The timing and extent of results can also vary among individuals, with some noticing improvements in symptoms such as reduced pain or enhanced recovery shortly after starting cryotherapy, while others may require more extended or regular treatment to experience significant benefits. It is advisable to discuss treatment frequency and expectations with a healthcare provider or experienced practitioner to develop a personalized and effective treatment plan.

Powered by The Powercab

The PowerCab is the gold standard for whole-body cryotherapy. Our all-electric chamber is both energy efficient and enhances safety for our clients without the risk of nitrogen. The patented technology allows the unit to remain cold even in back to back sessions. The PowerCab offers Apple Health tracking, showing you progress and results as your embark on your wellness journey~