


done consciously and intentionally.

Deliberate Wellness offers a wide range of best-in-class, science-proven wellness experiences. Our intention is to provide individuals with a space and services that are designed to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and well-being.

With as many as 10 holistic modalities, our services can enhance cardiovascular function, improve immunity and sleep quality, boost energy, and enable clients to invest today in the greatest two assets that we all possess: our mind and body. Our invitation is to live deliberately; to thoughtfully take an intentional and designed approach to your health and wellness to increase your lifespan and quality of life together.


Our logo was thoughtfully designed to represent some of the core principles that are at the foundation of Deliberate Wellness.

Oxygen (02)

In one perspective, the two interlocking circles represent oxygen (O2). Oxygen plays a critical role in respiration, the energy-producing chemistry that drives the metabolisms of most living things. As humans, we need oxygen in the air we breathe to stay alive. At Deliberate, our service offerings were created with the intention to increase healthspan (a combination of quality lifespan and longevity), therefore sustaining the presence of oxygen and preserving quality human life.

“The presence of oxygen is the absence of disease”. - Gary Brecka.

Intention + Action

In another perspective, the two circles represent Intention and Action. Intention and action independent of each other don’t represent a life by design. Living deliberately is living where intention and action meet. Both are essential pieces in creating the life you’ve always wanted to live. All things are created spiritually before physically. You must first have an intention, then follow through and put that intention to work by way of action. Intention + Action = Deliberate